Health of Infants, Children and Young People


Health of Infants, Children and Young People  Essay Paper Assignment

Health of Infants, Children and Young People, SP5 2012
Assignment 3: Child Health Assessment Report
SECTION 1: Child Health Assessment Pro Forma (250 words)
Conducted by Date
Child’s first name Mark Age 12
Venue of assessment Gender Male
Height 150 cm Weight 41 kg BMI 18.2 th
Temperature 37 C Pulse 84 Respirations 20
Oral health
(plus oral health behaviours) When do you brush your teeth and Does your mum or dad help you?
What do you do when you wake up?
Have you lost any teeth, How old were you when you lost your first tooth, How many and How was your feeling?
Speech Observation:
Check If he has any articulation disorders such as stuttering, lisp, dyspraxia, cluttering, when he speaks.
Check his vocabulary, grammar, sounds, and pronunciation?
Are they clear? Using the right language?
Interaction with the assessor I Have fun or playing with the child before starting questions….
Observation: He looks shy, if he focuses attention on questions.
How does Mark interact? Quickly or slowly
Is he concentrated on interaction?
Dose he try to finish the interaction as soon as possible?
Sleep pattern
What time did you get up this morning?
Do your parents read a book for you before sleeping?
Physical activity
How do you get to school? Do you walk or does your mum drive you?
What is your favourite sport? When do you play it?
Screen time
Do you watch TV before school, after school or just on weekend?
How long do you watch TV, and play computer game? And when?
(24 hour recall)
What is your favourite food your mum cooks for you?
What would you like to drink? Milk, juice or soft?
Do you eat before going to school and after?
Record any other comments made by the child about their general health status:
I would like to talk about nutrition more
Family Network (do not include names) Who lives in your house?
Does your grandfather/grandmother live with you?
Do you go to sleep at grandparent’s house?
Family Socialisation – family activities
(do not include names) Does your mum/dad play with you? What do you love play with them
Did you go to park last weekend?
Do you often play with your sibling?
Friendships/ Social Network (do not include names) Do you have many friends? Would you love to play with your friends?
Do you love your friends? Have you visit your friends at their house?
Note any other activities you undertook with the child:

Dear writer
In this template just you are going to answers the questions in short phrase
And try to give more related information to achieve 250 words for all
* No references material in this part.
* The name of the patient and his height and weight I have written above.
SECTION 2: Analysis and Interpretation of the Assessment Data (1250 words)
– within your referenced discussion identify expected norms or recommendations and compare the child’s data from section one. (11 journal references, 2006 or later)
Paragraph 1 250 words (2 reference in this paragraph)
-Writing about physical assessment
1 reference for the normal height, weight, BMI, temperature, Pulse, Respirator rates
1 reference for Oral health, oral health behaviour

Health of Infants, Children and Young People

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Health of Infants, Children and Young People

Paragraph 2 250 words (2 reference in this paragraph)
-Writing about development
One reference for each part: 1-speech, 2- Interaction

Paragraph 3 400 words (4 reference in this paragraph)
-Writing about health History (sleep pattern- physical activity- screen time- nutrition)
One reference for each part: 1-sleeping pattern, 2-physical activity, 3- screen time, 4- Nutrition

Paragraph 4 350 words (3 reference in this paragraph)
-Writing about social history (family network- family socialization: family activity- friendship social network)
One reference for each part 1-Family Network, 2-Family Socialisation family activities, 3- Friendships/Network

Don’t include any name in the essay and you can write (the patient – the client- the child)
Dear writer
Have a look to following grade guide bellow to follow the requirement for high mark.

Feedback Sheet – Assessment 3: Child Health Assessment Report (35%)

Assessment criteria

Distinction / HD
(75-84 5)(85-100%)
Higher level/exemplary
competence in most areas. HD: Exemplary competence Credit
Competency in all parameters. PLUS: demonstrates higher
level competence on
some parameters. Pass 1
Basic competence in all criteria. Pass 2
Basic competence on most parameters. Most requirements for pass are reached. Fail 1
Insufficient competence on some parameters.
Deficiencies in meeting Pass requirements.
Collects and uses recent, relevant literature in the discussion sections of the proforma Higher/Exemplary level of knowledge and application is indicated by:

As for Credit with extensive use of different refereed journal articles, particularly research. A good level of knowledge and application is indicated by:

As for Pass1 but more than three recent refereed journal articles used. Satisfactory level of knowledge and application is indicated by:

Consistent use of textbooks and learn on line resources, and at least three recent refereed journal articles. Basic knowledge and understanding is indicated by:

Adequate use of course textbook and learn on line resources and at least three recent refereed journal articles. Limited knowledge and understanding is indicated by:

Little use of textbook and learn on line resources. Non-reputable sources used. One or two recent refereed journal articles used.
Presents assignment in accordance with criteria in Course Outline, demonstrating an understanding of the health assessment process All components exemplary.
All components addressed at a good level, demonstrating a sound understanding of the health assessment process.
Presented as per Course Outline.
A satisfactory level of understanding of the health assessment process is demonstrated throughout the assignment. All sections of assignment are adequately presented;

or the inadequacy of one section is made up for by better answers in other sections.
Limited attention to assignment criteria.

More than one section does not demonstrate an understanding of the health assessment process.

The written work demonstrates written literacy as appropriate to the discipline and professional area of nursing
As per Credit and:

Demonstration of an excellent ability to critically analyse information using language appropriate to the nursing profession.
As per Pass 1 and:

Demonstration of an above average ability to critically analyse information using language appropriate to the nursing profession.
Sentences/paragraphs that are constructed so that they relate to each other.

Sentences/paragraphs that consistently progress the ideas related to the topic.

Consistent and correct use of spelling, grammar &/or punctuation. Sentences/paragraphs that occasionally do not relate to each other.

Sentences/paragraphs that inconsistently progress the ideas related to the topic.

Occasional poor use of spelling, grammar &/or punctuation. Sentences/paragraphs that occasionally relate to each other.

Sentences/paragraphs that occasionally progress the ideas related to the topic.

Limited and inaccurate spelling, grammar &/or punctuation.
Accurate documentation of health assessment data Excellent, detailed assessment data – nothing missing in any sections. Mostly a thorough health assessment – some minor details missing. Adequate assessment data; more details required in several aspects of proforma. Most of the health assessment details are recorded but some major gaps identified. Some assessment data is unclear and/or very little detail is documented.
Analysis of health assessment data demonstrates a holistic concern for the child
As per Credit plus:
Answers demonstrate a broader analysis of the literature. Links between different ideas and opinions are made.
As per Pass 1 plus: Evidence of an accurate understanding of the possible implications of the strengths/health problem for the child and their family.
Accurate identification of most of the important strengths/actual and/or potential health problems for the child. Satisfactory rationales for health problems. Some accurate identification of important strengths/actual and/or potential health problems for the child. Some gaps in knowledge. Limited rationales for health strengths/problems. Limited identification of strengths/actual and/or potential health problems for the child. Some important strengths/health concerns are missed and/or rationales not given for comments
Correctly uses Harvard referencing technique.
Correct use of Uni Harvard referencing technique throughout. Correct use of Uni Harvard referencing technique although occasional errors evident. Limited or inaccurate use of Uni Harvard referencing technique: refer to AIO?

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