Alterations in Endocrine Function

Alterations in Endocrine Function Essay Paper Assignement

This week’s graded topics relate to the following Course Outcomes (COs).

1 Analyze pathophysiologic mechanisms associated with selected disease states. (PO 1)

2 Differentiate the epidemiology, etiology, developmental considerations, pathogenesis, and clinical and laboratory manifestations of specific disease processes. (PO 1)

3 Examine the way in which homeostatic, adaptive, and compensatory physiological mechanisms can be supported and/or altered through specific therapeutic interventions. (PO 1, 7)

4 Distinguish risk factors associated with selected disease states. (PO 1)

5 Describe outcomes of disruptive or alterations in specific physiologic processes. (PO 1)

6 Distinguish risk factors associated with selected disease states. (PO 1)

7 Explore age-specific and developmental alterations in physiologic and disease states. (PO 1, 4)

Write a one (1) paragraph case study of your own for a patient with Ulcerative Colitis?

Alterations in Endocrine Function

Alterations in Endocrine Function

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