Performance management and apprisal Essay Assignment Paper

Performance management and apprisal Essay Assignment Paper

Performance management and apprisal Essay Assignment Paper


Performance Management and Appraisal
The most difficult part in determining the dimensions to be appraised in a job appraisal is the realization that even in the simplest of jobs, many elements of job performance cannot be directly observed or easily isolated (Cappelli & Conyon, 2018). Job performance, therefore, comprises complex sets of interacting factors. Some of the factors affecting job performance can be attributed to the job itself, some to the environment, and some to the worker. All these elements of job performance, therefore, make it difficult to come up with adequate dimensions to be appraised during a performance appraisal. Performance appraisal is also complicated by the fact that the definition of what may constitute successful or skilled work behavior might be subject to frequent redefinition and is always subjective (Curzi et al., 2019). In different appraisal systems, the different performance factors that will be rated will just depend on the approaches taken for job analysis, for instance, job tasks or worker attributes. Scholarly studies have therefore shown that different analytical methods and expert analysis in performance appraisal can result in different judgments about job skills or successful work behavior (Cappelli, & Conyon, 2018).
The most important elements to consider when designing a performance appraisal tool include setting proper goals and objectives, continuously tracking employee performance, providing granular insights, and providing real-time feedback (Madlabana et al., 2020). Setting clear goals and objectives for employees can therefore make it easy to track their performance. A well-designed performance management system should also provide the leaders and manager with granular insights that can be used to evaluate employee performance. Finally, a well-designed performance appraisal tool should provide adequate real-time feedback to employees to keep them motivated and to guide them in the achievement of the set objectives and goals (Madlabana et al., 2020).

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Cappelli, P., & Conyon, M. J. (2018). What Do Performance Appraisals Do? ILR Review, 71(1),
Curzi, Y., Fabbri, T., Scapolan, A. C., & Boscolo, S. (2019). Performance Appraisal and
Innovative Behavior in the Digital Era. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01659.
Madlabana, C.Z., Mashamba-Thompson, T.P. & Petersen, I. (2020).Performance management
methods and practices among nurses in primary health care settings: a systematic scoping review protocol. Syst Rev 9, 40.

The appraisal process is one step involved in identifying potential improvements on individual performances. What is the most difficult part in determining the dimensions to be appraised? What is most helpful on a job analysis for designing an appraisal tool?

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