Canada’s Nursing Shortage Essay Assignment Paper

Canada’s Nursing Shortage Essay Assignment Paper

Canada’s Nursing Shortage

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Canada’s Nursing Shortage

According to a 2013 report by Statistics Canada, the population of Canada is acutely growing. A rapidly expanding population requires a large enough nurse workforce to provide high-quality medical care to everyone in need. According to the Caldwell (2019), Canada will face a nurse shortage of 100,000 by 2025. In Canada, there is a shortage of internationally educated nurses who are unemployed, and many of these nurses are moving to the United States. Internationally Educated Nurses make up about 11 percent of Ontario’s registered nursing workforce. According to Caldwell (2019), 11 percent of Ontario’s registered nursing staff are international educated nurses. After migrating to Canada, most IENs cannot find work because of the country’s inconsistent nursing education and the difficulty of passing the country’s stringent language requirements and license examinations.

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Healthcare relies heavily on nurses, who make up most of the profession. One of the biggest obstacles to assuring the effectiveness of the healthcare system is a worldwide lack of nurses (Donnell, Livingstone & Bartam, 2012). Nursing personnel and patient outcomes are becoming the focus of global concern. As a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, the world has entered a dangerous period. One of the challenges to establishing an efficient healthcare system is the scarcity of medical personnel with the necessary training, particularly nurses. The need for nurses has skyrocketed in Canada, yet the country is already suffering from a shortage, which will only worsen.
Nurses have been working less since the early 1990s. Between 1992 and 1998, the number of RNs fell by 28%. The proportion of LPNs laid off fell three-fold. Even though most provinces have experienced both over-and under-supply RNs, some are still short of LPNs. The nursing job market is in a state of flux. What’s new is the steep fall of freshly graduated and working Canadian nurses. Since 2000, fewer people have been applying for training programs, which is expected to continue (Gelinas, 2017). Due to massive layoffs and a poor working climate, many RNs are believed to have relocated or abandoned nursing. In 1999, over 10% of RNs who graduated in 1995 worked as nurses. Loss of governmental and financial funding for nursing schools may affect future RN supply.
The nurse shortage is caused by a lack of planning, money, and competent new personnel. However, developing effective and efficient recruitment and retention strategies is crucial. Nurses in their twenties and thirties are leaving the profession in droves. Recruiting new nurses is also hampered by the aging baby boomer population. Shorter hospital stays and increased patients requiring highly specialized care have increased the demand for nurses. Nurses are in great need, yet supply is short (Gelinas, 2017). Understaffing affects patient fatalities, duration of hospital stay, and significant health issues, including pneumonia and gastrointestinal bleeding, which are aggravated or difficult to cure. Unwanted effects on patients result in higher expenditures for both the organization and the patients.
Meaning and Purpose
Two ways to describe the nurse shortage. Insufficient nurses harm nursing standards. Administrators are baffled about how many nurses are required to offer optimal care. To put it another way, there aren’t enough nurses in the workforce, and there’s not enough money to create new ones. As a consequence, defining the nurse shortage is problematic. Instead of focusing on the number of nurses, Glance et al. (2012), proposes that the nursing shortage be explained by the health system’s ability to support nurses’ performance. The global nurse shortage is impeding health system efficiency. There is a direct correlation between nurse shortages and healthcare quality. A nursing crisis that cannot be handled at the provincial, national, or global level would harm healthcare coverage.
Advantages and Obstacles to Overcome
The Advantages of Nursing Shortage
Whenever there is a shortage of nurses, the value of nurses is highlighted (Gelinas, 2017). As healthcare administrators recognize and reward frontline nurses and managers’ efforts, their popularity, and acceptance among the healthcare workforce grow. The lack of nurses highlights the issue of ineffective staff (Gelinas, 2017). Employees who fail to meet targets or standards of care have recently come under scrutiny. Both the benefits and risks of workplace safety are well-known. Poor colleague performance leads to resentment and turnover, increasing tasks for other team members. Poor workplace role models may harm patient care, production, and morale. For years, institutions have been working to establish and manage protocols to ensure skilled nurses are not assigned illegal responsibilities. When a particular region lacks professional nurses, protocols must be changed to ensure the right person does each task (Gelinas, 2017).
Nurses’ Obstacles as a Result of Nursing Shortage
The shortage forces nurses to work more hours under more difficult circumstances, causing fatigue, illness, and unhappiness. Nurses working under these conditions make more medical errors. The quality of patient care will worsen, leading to preventable issues like prescription errors, ER overcrowding, and, most significantly, increased mortality (SCP Health, 2016). The nursing crisis is seen in the growth in patient-to-nurse ratios (Caldwell, 2019). As a consequence of overwork, poor job satisfaction, and a lack of technical support, nursing burnout may emerge. Burnout is characterized by low self-esteem, physical and emotional weariness, and job unhappiness (, 2020). Patient care and job performance have been related to burnout. The nurse shortage affects the healthcare system. If this problem is not remedied, the healthcare system will not develop.
Literature about benefits and challenges:
Notably, nurses only get noticed in times of crisis. In light of Canada’s present nursing crisis, nurse satisfaction has become a primary focus for nursing administration. According to Nelson (2016)’s blog, the nursing shortage may help traveling nurses. Employing temporary nurses rather than full-time personnel may help fill gaps. Also, when budgets are low, it makes economic sense to hire traveling staff who are not bound by long-term contracts.

Effects and Consequences
The Effects of Nursing Shortages on Nurses:
Nurse shortages are nothing new. We all know that Canada lacks enough nurses to meet demand (RNAO, 2017). Registered nurses can help with diagnostic testing and review the findings. The nurse-to-patient ratio will increase, affecting nurses’ ability to perform. A patient care, fatigue, and maybe burnout are reduced when active nurses work longer shifts. A nurse shortage is endangering patient care throughout Canada. Insufficient nursing staff increases mortality, readmission, and infection rates, unlike hospitals with sufficient nurses. More patients than nurses lead to more medical blunders. A hefty workload may suggest that nurses are understaffed. Time constraints will obstruct worker l (RNAO, 2017). A nurse’s work requires frequent communication with physicians and other professionals.
Human Resource Management Impact:
The global nurse shortage has made healthcare organizations’ HR management harder. Nurse shortages in most health systems (Mutisya, 2019). Its human resource objectives and strategy are considered its core capital. A wide variety of programs, policies, and activities are used in HRM to help individuals and organizations achieve their goals. As in other fields, nursing shortages arise retaining employees in today’s economy (Mutisya, 2019). A thorough background check should precede employment. Training, certification, and reinstatement are all part of HRM.
Other Implications to Consider, as well as Literature on Implications:
A nurse shortage affects both patients and staff. As a result, nurses may be overworked. Consequently, patients will suffer, nurses will burn out and suffer, and some may even abandon the field (Mutisya, 2019). More extended hospital stays for untreated patients may lead to more significant healthcare expenses. Mutisya (2019), evaluated nursing staff characteristics to predict five patient outcomes: urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and duration of stay, upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and shock among medical patients. To evaluate cross-sectional trends in healthcare costs and use, Glance et al. (2012) utilized data from the Healthcare Cost and Use Project Nationwide Inpatient Sample.
The research indicated that every 1% increase in the ratio of licensed practical nurses to total nursing hours increased mortality and sepsis between 4% and 6%. Additional health care personnel, such as medical residents, pharmacists, and medical technologists, influenced mortality rates. Thus, licensed medical professionals and registered nurses increased. Also, mortality was linked to years of nursing experience (Mutisya, 2019). Less VAP in the medical ICU at the University of Geneva Hospitals was related to the nurse-to-patient ratio. As a consequence, a higher nurse-to-patient ratio reduces the incidence of VAP. Due to rising workloads and time restrictions, normal infection control techniques may be neglected. Ultimately, both duration of stay and expense of treatment would rise. Research found that nursing shortages harm both patients and staff.
What Steps Should Be Taken Next?
We can aid the nurses. Managing their workload increases job satisfaction and allows nurses to work longer. To improve patient care, more nurses must be trained. The Canadian government should build new schools and subsidize existing ones so graduates can afford nursing school (Mutisya, 2019). Nurses should be better trained. Nurses would be rewarded. Employers should offer enough nurses so they may take leave and work. The government should subsidize nursing education. Management must comprehend the relationship between workforce, patient health, and mortality. Many nurses may not know overwork; thus, healthcare firms should educate them. Other non-government nurses should be paid a minimum wage to avoid misuse. Private clinics that do not meet occupational safety norms should be penalized.
Individuals Involved
The best way to acquire and retain talented personnel is to define criteria. More male patients entering the nursing industry due to higher-level authorities (nursing deans) changing perceptions of nursing will alleviate nurse shortage issues. The nursing administration should promote the profession and encourage the next generation to choose a nursing career. State, national, and municipal governments should promote the nursing profession favorably expand the number of field nurses. To support new nurse recruitment, nursing organizations should be adequately represented at all levels of government. The nurse leader must be a strong leader (Donnell, Livingstone & Bartam, 2012).

Literature Recommendations:
Nursing executives are responsible for hiring the necessary quantity and mix of nursing practitioners to satisfy those demands. To address the rising importance of health care, the sector must dramatically expand present facilities. To accomplish their objectives, managers must set criteria for recruiting and retaining qualified employees. Nurse recruitment and training must increase to guarantee appropriate staffing levels. Electronic health records will speed up paperwork by reducing human resources and overtime costs. Another alternative is hiring foreign nurses, having more regular work hours, motivating part-time employees to work excessive shifts, and funding nursing students (Donnell, Livingstone & Bartam, 2012).
In agreement with Literature
Nursing shortages have been an issue for decades, but no solution has yet been found. This is per the literature. Recent investigations on the implications of the conundrum on patients and nursing outcomes may be able to resolve the problem. This is because nurses are resigning from the profession due to the painful experience they have in the job (Caldwell, 2019). Maintaining and recruiting new nursing talent will be easier if we can provide better working conditions and raise benefits for our current workforce.

The endeavor to solve the nurse shortage in the United States is both inventive and difficult. To retain a leading position in addressing the shortfall and meeting the increasing demand for advanced practice nurses that health care reform is asking for, nursing education may be going too slowly. Nursing shortages vary from country to country, but in the end, they always have a negative influence on health care. Canada must devise a plan to increase the number of nurses. Aside from attracting new nurses into the job, Canada needs to keep veteran nurses in the field. A competitive workforce planning framework must support Canada’s health care system and supply of nurses. In the end, failing to address nurse shortages at the local, state, national, and global levels would result in unmet healthcare demands and worse health outcomes for the population.

Canada’s Nursing Shortage

Caldwell, M. (2019, March 25). 5 of the biggest issues nurses face today. Retrieved June 22, 2020, from
Donnell, D. M., Livingstone, P.M., & Bartam,T. (2012). Human resource management activities on the frontline: A nursing perspective. Contemporary Nurse, 14(2)198-205
Gelinas, L. (2017, July 12). Advantages of a nursing shortage. Retrieved June 22, 2020, from

Glance.J,G., Dick.A,D., Osler.T,M., Mukamel.D,B., Li.Y., & Stone.P,W.( 2012). The association between nurse staffing and hospital outcomes in injured patients. BMC Health Service Research. 12: 247.
Mutisya, F. (2019, August 15). Issues and trends in nursing administration: nursing staff shortage. Retrieved August 26, 2020, from
Nelson, L. (2016, January 19). The nursing shortage is here but it’s a win for some nurses. Retrieved June 23, 2020, from (2020). Avoiding burnout as a nurse. Retrieved June 22, 2020, from
SCP Health. (2016, June 01). Nursing Shortage Effect on the Healthcare Industry. Retrieved June 23, 2020, from
Statistics Canada. (2013). Population Projections for Canada (2013 to 2063), Provinces and Territories (2013 to 2038). Retrieved August 30, 2020, from st=38D31sdY

The purpose of this paper is to examine an issue facing the health of Canadians, and as a result, affects the Canadian nursing profession today. You will choose a topic and provide background information and discuss the ramifications to the health of Canadians and to the nursing profession.

The scholarly paper (max 6 pgs) incorporates your proposal and feedback from the Course Director to provide an analysis of the topic utilizing current and relevant scholarly resources.
The scenario/case study/current event may come from a personal or professional experience, be derived from the literature, including the newspaper or scholarly journals. You are to critically analyze and examine the topic and discuss the relevance to nursing within a Canadian context. Conclude by identifying gaps in knowledge relating to nursing practice, research, and/or policy. Throughout the paper, you are to integrate at least 5 current ( within 10 years) and well-chosen scholarly references related to your topic. APA format and referencing are required, with appropriate headings.

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