Depth psychology Image /dream research

Depth psychology Image /dream research Essay Assignment Paper

Order Description

Two-Page Image/Dream Research Paper. Using EBSCO PSYCINFO and other library databases research an image from a dream of personal interest. You may also choose an animal image and amplify its symbology. Explore and deepen possible meaning as it may relate to you or the collective. Your paper should have at least two sources and must follow the Pacifica/APA standard; your research should appear predominantly throughout your paper.

. a) Explore and amplify the possible meaning of the dream image or animal symbolism as it relates to you or the collective models of the psyche, to the study of myths, fairy tales, cultural expressions, or symbolic systems.

. b) Your paper should have at least two online sources demonstrating your library literacy and research skills, and must follow the Pacifica/APA standard.

. c) Your research should appear predominantly throughout your paper.?


. Academic Search Premier

. All EBSCO databases

. Alt HealthWatch

. APA databases

. ATLA Religion with ATLASerials

. Business Source Elite

. EBSCO E-Journals – ?


. Film Literature Index

• Health Source Consumer Edition

• Health Source Nursing/Academic Edition

• Humanities International Complete

• JSTOR Arts & Sciences III

• PEP Archive

• PILOTS (PTSD research)




Images & Symbols – see descriptions

. ARAS – Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism

. CAMIO – Catalog of Art Museum Images Online

• Warburg Institute Iconographic Database

Depth psychology Image /dream research

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Depth psychology Image /dream research

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