Employment Retention and Engagement Essay Assignment Paper
Employment Retention and Engagement Essay Assignment Paper
Performance management connects with training and development in many ways. According to Brown et al. (2019), most employees require guidance from their leaders and managers so as to improve their workplace performance. Goal setting and feedback are some of the main strategies of guidance that managers can provide to their employees (Brown et al., 2019). Training employees on performance management is also important in improving performance because it creates awareness of assessment requirements in employees. Such training can therefore raise the awareness of employees on job expectations in terms of feedback and also help them to set clear goals to improve their professional skills (Awan et al., 2020). There is, therefore, a clear connection between training & development and performance management. Training can go a long way in improving performance management in a work setting. Training also provides employees with a framework of how their tasks and duties should be conducted and what their supervisors will be assessing. This plays a big role in centralizing knowledge in the workplace (Brown et al., 2019).
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On the other hand, a performance management system connects with compensation strategies in that performance appraisals are the main tools of determining compensation packages for employees in an organization. Different compensation strategies in an organization include higher salary rates, bonuses, allowances, and extra benefits. All the compensation strategies in an organization are, therefore, dependent on how an employee is performing and the results from their performance appraisals (Awan et al., 2020).
The two improvements I recommend to the performance management system in my organization include setting effective goals and making performance management a continuous process (Sahlin et al., 2019). The adoption of SMART goals in my organization’s performance management system can help clarify employee roles and boost their performance. Making performance management in my organization a continuous process would also improve the performance of employees through constant feedback and coaching (Sahlin et al., 2019).
Awan, S. H., Habib, N., Shoaib Akhtar, C., & Naveed, S. (2020). Effectiveness of Performance
Management System for Employee Performance Through Engagement. SAGE Open. https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244020969383.
Brown, T. C., O’Kane, P., Mazumdar, B., & McCracken, M. (2019). Performance Management:
A Scoping Review of the Literature and an Agenda for Future Research. Human Resource Development Review, 18(1), 47–82. https://doi.org/10.1177/1534484318798533.
Sahlin,J., & Angelis, J., & Olan,F., (2019).Performance management systems: reviewing the
rise of dynamics and digitalization, Cogent Business & Management, 6:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2019.1642293
How does a performance management system connect with training and development and compensation strategies? What improvements do you recommend to the performance management system in your organization and why?
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