Describe three functions of a normal healthy body that help prevent the occurrence of UTIs Essay Assignment Paper
Describe three functions of a normal healthy body that help prevent the occurrence of UTIs:
The three functions of a normal, healthy body that help prevent the occurrence of UTIs are:
1. The bladder has a natural ability to contract and relax. This function is known as peristalsis. When your bladder contracts, this can push out what you’re trying to expel, which helps prevent UTIs.
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2. The urethra is lined with layers of cells called epithelial cells that are responsible for filtering out bacteria from your urine (as well as other bodily fluids). If these cells are damaged or destroyed in any way, they won’t be able to do their job properly, which could allow bacteria to enter the urethra and cause a UTI.
3. The ureters carry urine from the kidneys back into the bladder where it can be stored until it’s time for it to pass through again on its way out of your body (via the urethra). If these ureters become inflamed or infected by bacteria, they won’t be able to carry urine back into the bladder where it belongs—and this could lead to a UTI!
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