The Grand Round Research Project

The Grand Round Research Project Essay Assignment Paper

The Grand Round Research Project consists of five related components. WEEK 7: A written report is due at the end of Week 7. Please include the title, The Grand Rounds Research Project, for your project. Papers must be 5–10 pages in length (this would be roughly one page per area included in the report), have 1-inch margins, be written in 12-point font (Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier), be double spaced, and include a cover page, introduction, pathologocial agent (bacteria, virus, fungus, parasite, or other agent), symptoms of the disease, report, summary or conclusion, and works cited. Figures and images can be used to illustrate important points of your project; however, images do not count toward the page requirement of the project (e.g., if you use two figures that are each half a page in length, they do not equal one page of your required total; you will still need to have at least five pages of text). Provide written documentation within the text of your project explaining the meaning of the figure or image and providing the reference.

The Grand Round Research Project

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The Grand Round Research Project

Be sure to reference where you obtained the image in your Works Cited page. Even though this is not a scientific-type writing assignment and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. At least six authoritative, outside references are required (anonymous authors or web pages are not acceptable). These should be listed on the last page, titled Works Cited. Appropriate citations are required. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the policy on plagiarism. The entire research project is worth 260 points and will be graded according to the grading rubrics shown below, including the deliverable components of the project due in Week 1 (proposal) and Week 4 (PowerPoint discussion submission and feedback), and Week 5 PowerPoint Final Version, and Week 7 (written report). Papers are due at the end of Week 7 of this course. An example of the paper format is shown in the following pages under Best Practices. Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A Forum discussion topic. Figures and illustrations need to have a caption that describes the content.

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