Healthcare Communication Media to advocate and influence

Healthcare Communication Media to advocate and influence

Using the media as a tool can be powerful when promoting a health program. There are a number of steps that need to be taken in order to effectively disseminate a message out to the group you are trying to influence. Media advocacy and social marketing are useful resources a health educator can use in a number of different ways and for a number of different reasons. For example, social marketing may be used to influence individual behavior whereas media advocacy might be utilized when attempting to influence policy makers (CFOC, 2008).

Best nursing papers

Healthcare Communication Media to advocate and influence

  1. Identify the steps you would take when designing a social media campaign (provide 5-6 steps, use your required readings as a guide, and use bold headings to clearly identify each step.)
  2. Describe each step you identified and its importance when designing a media campaign.
  3. Identify which of the Responsibilities and Competencies of a health educator a media campaign would address.
  4. Describe at least 3 different budget strategies a health educator could use when implementing a health communication plan.


Length: 3 pages, 4 required reading cited sources!

Required Reading

Barry, M. (2017). How to prepare a marketing communication budget. Retrieved from…

Contra Costa Health Services. (2016). Preventing chronic disease: Launching a media campaign. The Community Wellness & Prevention Program. Retrieved on August 1, 2016 from…

Fisher, C. (2015). Ways to reach a target audience. Retrieved on August 1, 2016 from…

National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC). (2017). Areas of responsibility for health education specialist 2015. Retrieved from…

Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council. (2016). Advocacy toolbox. Retrieved from

Oklahoma Rehabilitation Council. (2016). Writing to government officials or lobbyists. Retrieved from…

Optify. (2014). How to build a social media campaign. Retrieved on Retrieved on August 1, 2016 from…

Schwartz, N. E. (2014). How to design an effective marketing and communications budget [Case Study]. Retrieved on August 1, 2016 from…

Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE). (2017). Health education specialist. Retrieved from…

Unite For Sight. (2015). Health communication strategies. Retrieved on August 1, 2016 from…

Yerian, N. (2013). 5 ways to reach your target market online. Retrieved on August 1, 2016 from Ways-to-Reach-Your-Target-Market-Online

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