Increased Nurse Patient Ratios

Increased Nurse Patient Ratios  Essay Assignment Paper

The issues discused in this article are pertinent not just to nuring professionals but potential patients as well , which means eveyone. The general consensus seems to be divided into two camps ; the nurses and the administration. While both sides have adamant arguments for their points it is imperitive for all of us that a solution be found. The topics covered are related to legislation, current practices utilized for staffing , and the nursing shortage. Any person living in california is familiar with the issue of legislating nurse patient ratios. The california nurses association has gone to great legnths to bring the problem to the attention of the media , politicians, and public at large. They even went so far as to hire a plane to fly an “anti-Arnold” banner over a hollywood event. The aggression of the CNA is centered around The “governators” opposition to passing legislation to limit nurse patient ratios. Ratio issues are not solely a californian issue.

Increased Nurse Patient Ratios

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Increased Nurse Patient Ratios

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