Professional Standards Nursing Board

Professional Standards Nursing Board Essay Assignment Paper

Begin your write up with an introductory summary paragraph of education, experience and specialty practice.
The first is the instruction sheet with the RN Qualification ( Performance Standards Which you need to write to providing 1 example per standard of your current practice showing how you meet the standard-
For each standard, start with a paragraph using the title of the standard as a header, i.e. PRACTICE followed by a description of your current practice formatted in
1/ situation and/or problem
2/ your leadership in situation and /or problem solving
3/ outcome for patient/family/staff or patient care system based on your leadership.

There are 9 domains of practice which are derived from the ANA’s standards of Professional Practice are listed in the first document and the second attachment consolidates them into the 4 dimensions of Practice, professional development, collaboration and scientific inquiry-along with examples and outcomes which correspond to #2 and #3 above

Professional Standards Nursing Board

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