Reflect on your practice learning experiences.

Reflect on your practice learning experiences. Essay Assignment Paper

In this section, “Reflective Journalism” you will respond to the following:
-Select a couple key learning experiences (2-3). Reflect on your practice learning experiences. Why were these practice experiences meaningful to you?
-Summarize application of course content to your key learning experiences.
-Relate practice experiences to your professional learning and its potential impact on your professional nursing practice.
-Articulate achievement of your course Practice Experience Student Learning Outcomes.
-Cite references in APA format. Include professional nursing journal articles in support of your analysis as outlined in the Practice Experiences Grading Rubric.
Reflective Journaling: (Write your reflective journaling here including items 1-4.)
References (In APA format)

Reflect on your practice learning experiences.

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Reflect on your practice learning experiences.

-Please use Family medicine article,Nurse mentoring article and Infection control article for my PE 2, 3, 4.
Your Reaction to this Practice Experience:
In this section, “Reflective Journaling” you will respond to the following:
1. Select a couple key learning experiences (2-3). Reflect on your practice learning experiences. Why were these practice experiences meaningful to you?
2. Summarize application of course content to your key learning experiences.
3. Relate practice experiences to your professional learning and its potential impact on your professional nursing practice.
4. Articulate achievement of your course Practice Experience Student Learning Outcomes.
5. Cite references in APA format. Include professional nursing journal articles in support of your analysis as outlined in the Practice Experiences Grading Rubric.
Reflective Journaling: (Write your reflective journaling here including items 1-4.)
References (In APA format)

*Description of the proposed Practice experience
1. Spend a day with a nurse leader- Kayla Merrit,RN : How she applies nursing research into her daily work, discuss nursing research articles( The Military Health System) this nurse leader is currently reviewing in order to make practice changes. (1.5pages)
2. Analyze use of nursing research in Family Medicine(Any family medicine practice research paper will be fine) – Evidence based practice in family medicine practice, journal findings and critical reflections of this experience & application to family medicine practice. (1.5 pages)
3. Spend time with a master’s prepared nurse(Ingelin Leslie, Nurse practitioner) to explore their participation in nursing research to create understanding of this provider’s contribution to changing nursing practice outcomes. (Shadowing ‘Ingelin Leslie, Nurse practitioner, her focused research is mentoring Nurses). (1 page)
4. Spend time with a nurse(StephaniLovitt, RN) to explore their role as a researcher(Infection control) to create understanding of this provider‘s contribution to changing nursing practice outcomes. (1page)
*Grading Rubric-Just for your information
Criteria Pass
Student completes Practice Experiences Plan on time and submits within online course. Student completes Practice Experiences Plan on time and submits within online course.
Student completes Practice Experiences hours as required for course and submits documentation within online course. Student completes Practice Experiences hours as required for course and submits documentation within online course.
Student completes a paragraph summary of practice experiences. Student completes a paragraph summary of practice experiences.
Student completes Practice Experiences Self-Reflection demonstrating understanding of theory to practice application. Student completes Practice Experiences Self-Reflection demonstrating understanding of theory to practice application.
Student’s completed Practice Experiences Self-Reflection includes at least 3 external scholarly references informing, supporting or refuting knowledge gained through this assignment. Student’s completed Practice Experiences Self-Reflection includes at least 3 external scholarly references informing, supporting or refuting knowledge gained through this assignment.

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