Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing

Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing  Essay Assignment Paper

Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing – Florence Nightingale: Modern Nursing

Topic 1: Nursing Philosophy and Models
Select one of the nursing theorists “Florence Nightingale: Modern Nursing” and respond to the following:
• Describe the historical background of the development of the model or framework.
• Identify the concepts in the model.
• Describe the relationship between the model and concepts in nursing’s metaparadigm…metaparadigm concepts (person, health, nursing, and environment)
• Create an example of the model applied to clinical practice.
• Identify strengths and weaknesses of the model for clinical practice.
Textbook Information

Title: Nursing Theorists and Their Work 8th ed.
Author: Alligood, M. R.
ISBN: 978-0-323-09194-7
Publisher: Mosby Elsevier

Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing

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Theoretical Foundations of Advanced Nursing

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