Vulnerable population

Vulnerable population Essay Assignment Paper

Respond to this discussion question. Only one reference needed.

VULNERABLE POPULATION: The purpose of this discussion to to analyze and address nutritional needs, appropriate exercises, and stress management techniques for an at risk / vulnerable population. According to the American Journal of Managed Care article “Vulnerable Populations” (2006), at risk and vulnerable populations include the economically disadvantaged, racial, uninsured, low-income children, the elderly, and those with chronic health conditions including mental illness. For this week, I will discuss John Smith, a 71 year old caucasian male, with a BMI of 34, who worked as a history professor prior to retiring, recently diagnosed with non-insulin dependent diabetes (type 2 diabetes mellitus).

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Vulnerable population

NUTRITION: Nutrition for a Type 2 diabetic is specifically designed to reduce non-fasting glucose levels. Current recommendations include a well-balanced meal plan with foods from all food groups, with fewer calories, an emphasis on healthy fats, and distribution of starches. Recommendations include comprehensive glycemic index reduction to be between 80-130. Referrals for nutritional programs would include the American Diabetes Association website,, specifically relating to the the sections on healthy recipes, meal planning, and shopping lists. (“Food”, n.d.) Additionally, the client may be referred to a National Diabetes Educational Program Partner or Community Organization, which provides educational assistance on living with diabetes and provides a list of resources indoor community. (“NDEP Partner and Community Organization Information”, n.d.)

EXERCISE: According to the American Diabetic Associations “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2015” (2015), they currently recommend that someone with the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, should break up extended periods of non-activity (more than 90 minutes) with activity of some sort. According to the American Diabetic Association, the following exercise activities are recommended (not all inclusive): Brisk walking, biking, dancing, low-impact aerobics, swimming, playing tennis, stair climbing, and jogging. (“What We Recommend”, n.d.)

STRESS MANAGEMENT COUNSELING: Stress management is important, as diabetes at times can cause significant amounts of lifestyle changes, often dramatically. In addition, if the disease process itself is uncontrolled, the patient may experience other difficulties associated, such as peripheral neuropathy, which may cause a bit of stress if the patient is having a limitation of their activity levels. As exercise is recommended for diabetes, light exercise may greatly help reduce stress. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, the following activities are recommended to reduce stress: regular exercise, talking with friends or family members, sleeping, watching movies or TV, eating well, and listening to music. (“Physical Activity Reduces Stress | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA”, 2016) Furthermore, they recommend alternatives such as tai chi and yoga as valid techniques for stress reduction.

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