What makes a Good Leader Essay Assignment Paper

What makes a Good Leader Essay Assignment Paper

What makes a Good Leader?

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What makes a Good Leader?
This signature assignment’s leadership topic is the key traits and attitudes of a good leader. There are many variables that go into assessing a leader’s performance. Leadership is critical for every institution, particularly healthcare (Ma, Shang, & Bott, 2015). Leadership helps ensure that the whole staff is on the same page in order to maximize the corporation’s advantages. According to Fast & Rankin (2017), leadership mixes individual qualities, attributes, internal drive, and abilities that favorably affect others to perform tasks. These procedures guarantee that the necessary productivity is achieved. Leadership, according to Scully (2015), is the skill of encouraging or inspiring others to accomplish a shared objective.

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Leadership Traits and Characteristics
According to Tyczkowski et al. (2015), leaders are endowed with inherent characteristics. They argue that since leadership traits and abilities are innate, no one can develop them. Ma, Shang, and Bott (2015), on the other hand, dispute Tyczkowski’s assertion and offer the Trait Leadership hypothesis, which argues that any person may become a successful leader if they possess certain qualities, abilities, and characteristics. Integrity and honesty are two essential characteristics of a leader (Waite & Nardi, 2019). It implies that the leader has to be truthful in all organizational operations and take responsibility for their acts. A leader should be able to communicate effectively, both verbally and nonverbally. This will assist the leader in effectively conveying their ideas to the intended group.
According to Scully (2015), communication abilities help leaders motivate and inspire others to organize themselves and proceed in the correct path. Good analytical thinking is required in a leader. The capabilities mentioned earlier will aid the leader in successfully analyzing circumstances and making suitable choices. According to Wong (2015), the leader needs to be able to evaluate circumstances properly in order to make appropriate choices; leaders should be able to promote collaboration. This is made feasible by the leader’s commitment to work operations and the enablement of other workers. It will assist the leader in obtaining appropriate answers from team members in order to accomplish the intended results (Ma, Shang, & Bott, 2015). Because leaders are primarily responsible for guiding workers or team members, they should demonstrate genuine compassion towards them. Other team members’ problems should be understood by the leaders, and constructive steps must be taken to address them. Leaders should guarantee a strong degree of emotional intelligence in all of their activities (Fast & Rankin, 2017). This implies that leaders need to control and regulate their emotions in different circumstances in order to maintain the workforce on course. To keep team members motivated and committed, leaders have to be transparent in all of their activities.
Importance of Leadership in Different Nursing Roles
The importance of leadership in a nursing specialty cannot be overstated. Unit manager, bedside nurse, public health nurse, and other nursing positions are all engaged in the discipline. To perform their duties appropriately, all nursing positions must maintain a sound leadership level as this will yield the required outcomes (Scully, 2015). Beginning with bedside nurses, the primary duty of the bedside nurse is to give the best practical service to patients. It is made feasible by the nurse’s development of leadership qualities. The bedside nurse will successfully communicate with the patient, utilizing both verbally and nonverbally to convey their information (Ma, Shang, & Bott, 2015). The nurse’s leadership ability will also help them build strong compassion towards the client, allowing them to comprehend their problems and take necessary action to address them. The nurse’s leadership characteristic of honesty and commitment will aid them in successfully performing their duties and obligations (Tyczkowski et al., 2015). When a bedside nurse provides proper care to a client, it creates a pleasant atmosphere and aids the client’s recovery.

When it comes to public health nurses, their primary responsibility is to deal with adults and children to evaluate medical conditions and promote access to health and social services. The public health nurse’s leadership trait of integrity and honesty will assist them in performing their duties to provide the best potential care to the clients (Scully, 2015). The dedication and zeal of the public health nurse will significantly motivate the patients and improve their outlook on life. The public health nurse will assess the issue, provide appropriate remedies and ensure that clients get the best possible treatment (Tyczkowski et al., 2015). The emotional intelligence characteristic of the public health nurses will assist them in controlling and regulating their feelings as per the circumstances in order to provide the necessary care and support to patients. Additionally, public health nurses will be capable of acquiring the necessary compassion for patients, allowing them to comprehend their problems and take constructive steps to address them (Waite & Nardi, 2019). A pleasant discussion with patients will be aided by the public health nurse’s excellent communication abilities. It will help the nurse comprehend the patient’s problems and provide appropriate suggestions (Wong, 2015). It will ultimately contribute to the best possible care for the relevant parties, increasing their chances of a good recovery.
The nursing unit manager is primarily tasked with supervising all nurses and making sure that patients get the care and assistance they need promptly and appropriately. The nursing unit manager’s integrity and honesty will assist them in effectively carrying out all of his duties and obligations in order to provide proper medical services. Moreover, the nursing unit manager will be capable of motivating the staff members by bringing them together on the same ground and encouraging them to put out their best abilities in the correct direction in order to achieve the intended results. The nursing unit manager will explicitly assign responsibilities and duties to employees, allowing for individualized empowerment (Waite & Nardi, 2019). This implies that everyone in the organization is conscious of their goals and is working in the correct way to accomplish them. The nursing unit manager will also highlight the good degree of creativity and innovation shown in organizing teams and creating appropriate methods to make sure patients receive the right treatment (Fast & Rankin, 2017). It is critical to note that the nursing unit managers’ outstanding communication abilities will assist them in effectively interacting with the relevant parties. This indicates that they should share information in order to provide patients with the best possible treatment (Ma, Shang, & Bott, 2015). The nursing unit managers are capable of showing the appropriate degree of compassion for the members of the team. The nurses will feel comfortable sharing their problems and difficulties with the nursing unit manager in order to resolve them and maximize their productivity (Scully, 2015). The emotional intelligence characteristic of the nursing unit managers will help them handle and regulate their feelings in a variety of circumstances, ensuring that the clients’ safety and health are not jeopardized. Analytical thinking abilities will also assist the nursing unit manager in accurately evaluating circumstances in order to make appropriate decisions and provide quality and safe healthcare.
Leadership Integration within my Nursing Practice
According to the above analysis, leadership qualities and traits undoubtedly help all nurse groups in effectively performing their duties and obligations and delivering appropriate outcomes. As such, the leadership qualities and traits will help me become a better nurse leader. To identify my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats connected to leadership, I need to do an internal evaluation with the same focus. This will assist in the creation of an appropriate development plan to become a successful nurse leader.

Strengths Weaknesses
Transparency Communication
Vision and Purpose Emotional Intelligence
Resilience Team-Building Abilities
Compassion Decision-Making Skills
Passion and Commitment
Integrity and Honesty
Opportunities Threats
Professional development that is positive Failure to meet nursing objectives and goals
Delivering maximum possible
care to the patients Providing patients with substandard care
Providing patients with the absolute best care It is hard to see significant advancement in my profession
Creating a competent nursing team

As a leader, I clearly have some strengths, as shown by the preceding study. Nevertheless, I have a number of leadership-related flaws in my personality. The significance of leadership qualities and traits for a leader’s development and successful performance was highlighted in the preceding analysis (Tyczkowski et al., 2015). As such, I should devise a development strategy for addressing my weaknesses in order to emerge as a competent nurse leader capable of capitalizing on presented prospects while avoiding potential risks to the greatest degree possible.

Area Objective Support

Communication Skills To demonstrate excellent verbal and nonverbal abilities for successfully communicating information with relevant individuals Online Practice
TedX talks

Emotional Intelligence to be able to regulate and control emotions in a range of circumstances in order to move in a favorable manner Social skills development

Team-Building Abilities To organize employees at the same platform to guarantee movement in the appropriate direction Training
Social skills development
Directing the team in the right path
Decision-Making Skills To evaluate the circumstances thoroughly for making the correct choices Training
Rational decision-making paradigm
All organizations, such as healthcare, need strong leadership. Individual qualities, traits, internal drive, and skill combinations that favorably impact people to perform tasks are referred to as leadership. Leadership is associated with inherent characteristics, according to the Great Man Leadership theory. It argues that since leadership traits and qualities are innate, no one can develop them. According to the Trait Leadership hypothesis, anybody can become a good leader if they have the right qualities, abilities, and characteristics. Leaders with good communication abilities may motivate and inspire others to coordinate themselves and go on the correct path. Because the leaders are primarily responsible for guiding workers or team members, they should show stronger compassion towards them. Unit manager, bedside nurse, public health nurse, and other nursing positions are all engaged in the practice. To do their jobs properly, all nursing positions must adhere to a sound leadership capacity. It is undeniable that leadership has a beneficial impact on all nursing positions. The leadership characteristics offer specific assistance to nursing personnel, regardless of their rank, in order for them to achieve optimum productivity and make a good impact on the client’s care and recovery. I also need to adopt a development strategy to address my weaknesses and build strong leadership abilities in order to function appropriately in patient care.
Fast, O., & Rankin, J. (2017). Rationing nurses: Realities, practicalities, and nursing leadership theories. Nursing Inquiry, 25(2), e12227.
Ma, C., Shang, J., & Bott, M. J. (2015). Linking Unit Collaboration and Nursing Leadership to Nurse Outcomes and Quality of Care. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(9), 435–442.
Scully, N. J. (2015). Leadership in nursing: The importance of recognising inherent values and attributes to secure a positive future for the profession. Collegian, 22(4), 439–444.
Tyczkowski, B., Vandenhouten, C., Reilly, J., Bansal, G., Kubsch, S. M., & Jakkola, R. (2015). Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Nursing Leadership Styles Among Nurse Managers. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 39(2), 172–180.
Waite, R., & Nardi, D. (2019). Nursing colonialism in America: Implications for nursing leadership. Journal of Professional Nursing, 35(1), 18–25.
Wong, C. A. (2015). Connecting nursing leadership and patient outcomes: state of the science. Journal of nursing management, 23(3), 275-278.

Choose one of more leadership topics from the textbook (Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management 6th ed.) from a previous discussion or assignment from this course and write about its application to nursing practice. Provide definitions, history/background, and major concepts of the chosen topic. Describe the topic’s function in nursing practice by examining at least three different nursing roles (for example, bedside nursing, public health nursing, chief nursing officer, unit manager, etc). Discuss how the leadership topic can be used in our own practice (OR nursing). Discuss your personal growth in regard to your chosen leadership topic. Evaluate personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your career advancement. Then discuss the top three traits you feel makes a good nurse leader. Support your statements with examples from your practice experience and scholarly sources. Once paper is written I can add some stuff of my own experience if needed. must have 3 resources plus textbook

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